Why I never get a second date

Sitting by the river, the girl moves a bit closer to me as she begins to speak:

“Oh Andreas, isn’t this the most beautiful sunset? I am so glad we came here to enjoy this moment together.”

DSCN2952We both continue to stare into the distance, most likely harboring similar thoughts.

But then I cannot resist:

“Honey, it’s actually not a sunset. The sun doesn’t set or rise. We are the ones moving, as our planet orbits around the sun and rotates around its own axis. This creates the impression of the sun moving, when in reality it is the fixed point in our solar system.”

Another pause, after which I add, maybe with too much hauteur in my voice:

“But I thought everybody knew that.”

A few seconds pass before she looks at me with sad eyes, gets up and walks away, never to be seen or heard of again.

These stupid sunsets ruin everything.


About Andreas Moser

I am a lawyer in Germany, with a focus on international family law, migration and citizenship law, as well as constitutional law. My other interests include long walks, train rides, hitchhiking, history, and writing stories.
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47 Responses to Why I never get a second date

  1. Nadine says:

    You should mention the“ moonshine“ and explain that….you will probably get faceslapped on top.Just in case you need a memory of some sort of a burning sensation

    • Thank you, good idea!

      But I never get dates that late at night anyway. There is this rumor that I am dangerous. Also, I like to sleep early.

  2. Mike says:

    HA! Now that is some funny stuff.

  3. vidavidav says:

    Stupid sunsets! :D

  4. JoV says:

    Too much intellect for your own good, same goes for me. Makes it hard to appreciate things for what it is.

  5. Josh Mashot says:

    Most women are dumb.

  6. ZaCook says:

    It’s not you, it’s the locations you pick for your dates… next time try museums, libraries or bookstores :))

  7. Pingback: Why I don’t reply to your messages | The Happy Hermit

  8. Pingback: Sonnenuntergänge sind gar nicht so romantisch | Der reisende Reporter

  9. Elen Floyd says:

    Mr.Obvious on the rescue!😂 its not your fault mate…its just the nature doing its thing!:)))

  10. Ana Mateo says:

    I remember our second date

  11. July Rojas says:

    Jajaja.. En serio admiro tu sentido de humor Andreas. Estoy casi segura que sí una señorita le dice que siente “mariposas en el estomago” cada vez que está junto a usted. Usted se pone analizar en silencio , cómo es que esos lepidopteros ingresaron a su estómago … jajajajaja ( broma) hay momentos en la vida que sólo hay que sentir y no analizar tanto 😃😃

  12. Una cita interesante… lindo paisaje + datos curiosos

  13. I would say: yes, you are right. But I know something. We will die (not soon…I hope) and let’s enjoy its colors

  14. Kendra Arenz says:

    It’s exactly what I would expect from a German man.

  15. This is why German is not a romance language

  16. hahahahaha eterno disfrute de primeras citas

  17. Clearly she was not the right girl for you!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Jajaja jajajajaja a pesar de la explicación científica, sigue siendo conocido comúnmente como atardecer😝😝😝😝

  19. Steph Ros says:

    I have had a similar experience, my date and I were contemplating the stars, which had burnt out millions of years ago, ..The chaos that is the universe, how destruction is just part of life, et cetera…how the dream of peace on earth is impossible. Things got so gloomy, we had to make out to do something life affirming. Worked for me :P

  20. Pingback: Zodiac Sign | The Happy Hermit

  21. What a scientific date!

  22. That is impossible Andreas, you must be flooded w date requests!!

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