Tag Archives: Ryanair

Ryanair Check-In Fees

“Avoid additional fees,” the e-mail from Ryanair said. Oh yes, I like avoiding fees. Especially after already having paid the advertised price for a flight, another fee for a bag, a fee for airport security, a fee for fuel, a … Continue reading

Posted in Italy, Law, Travel | Tagged | 10 Comments

Ryanair “Low-Cost Bus” not low-cost at all

When booking a ticket for a flight with Ryanair, they will try to sell you health insurance, suitcases, ski equipment and text messages, all of them at an extra charge of course. The booking process is tedious (which other company … Continue reading

Posted in Lithuania, Travel | Tagged , , | 13 Comments

Ryanair FAQ answer my most pressing question about air travel

I have often wondered if I can bring my own parachute on board as part of the carry-on. One never knows; I may have to leave a flight early. To my surprise, the FAQ of Ryanair address this question: CAN … Continue reading

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