
Before you contact me for legal advice, please note that I charge between 200 and 400 EUR for an initial consultation, depending on the complexity of the case.

Honestly, the best way to reach me is to send a letter, because I don’t really like to use all this electronic stuff. (Although I did like the fax machine.) My mailing address is at the bottom of my wishlist of books.

200 Responses to Contact

  1. Pingback: Less or Fewer? A Company Name gone Wrong | Publish or Perish – Andreas Moser's Blog

  2. Drehmann Alex says:

    andrew was machst du auf malta?
    drehmann alex

    • Ich wohne hier. Es ist wärmer, schöner und vor allem preiswerter als London; und nach 2 Jahren war mal wieder ein Ortswechsel fällig.
      Jetzt im Winter ist es perfekt hier: Kaum Touristen, aber immer noch so um die 20 Grad. – Komm doch mal vorbei!

  3. Pingback: “Munich” in Malta | The Happy Hermit – Andreas Moser's Blog

  4. Kianusch says:

    Hallo Andreas,
    Wenn man deinen Blog auf Deutsch lesen möchte, und auf Iran oder Israel klickt, dann öffnet sich wieder die Englische Version.
    Gewollt oder Panne ?

  5. Pingback: Film Review: “The Bourne Legacy” | The Happy Hermit

  6. Christie says:

    I have questions about my friend he married a German citizen in the United States and he wants a divorce but she won’t grant it to him and there is a possible child involved but won’t provide a DNA test can you help?

  7. yessuz says:

    Andreas, i found your website quite accidentally. I know that you planned to stay in Lithuania for some time.

    May I suggest things to see?
    a) Hill of Crosses
    b) Nida (Thomas mann had a house there) and all rest Neringa region (curonian spit, the narrow strip in Baltic sea).
    c) Ventes ragas (cape of Vente)
    d) Kaunas!

    ah, crap. it’s too many things to see :))

    • Thank you very much!
      I am actually planning to go to the Curonian Spit next week or so, because I’d like to see it when there is ice and snow. (And then of course also return in summer.)
      I also noticed that there is so much to see, so I may stay in Lithuania for longer.


  9. Lille says:

    Hi,have a question:I’m married to German man now for 7yrs of unhappy marriage and I can’t take this anymore.The problem is sexually I thought when we here in Germany it will be fine bt the problem still the same.I’m a student here not working still studying Deutsch.My question is which road must I go cos don’t have money to pay for lawyers,do we get free lawyers in German? Do I have to go now to lawyers? We also married in German and also in my homeland too we came here last year July.I even thinking to commit suicide they way I am.I’m 36 yrs now nd his 69 yrs I try to my homeland to divorce bt he didn’t want to I think he got fear of being alone bt I can’t take this anymore can u advice me where must I go they will hear me in English not in Deutsch.Thank u I hope ull get back to me.

  10. I am hoping to find out more about possibly gaining German citizenship. My great grandfather came to the US as a child with his parents and then settled in a community of other German ex-pats who were also all recent immigrants. My great grandmother had parents who also came from the same area of Germany. As far as I can determine neither of my great grandparents ever renounced their German Citizenship. Over the last 10 years I have visited and connected with most of my German cousins and am hoping to relocate to Germany. However, this pesky need for a job and money keep getting in the way! :-) So I am hoping to gain the ability to seek employment and ultimately reside in Germany. From what I have found online so far it seems that my options are somewhat limited given that my family left Germany before 1933, didn’t emmigrate to the Soviet Union and were not Jewish. Thank you in advance for any info or links you might provide!

  11. charlie robinson says:

    Will do! Danke!

  12. Bobby says:

    Hi Andreas,
    married my wife in E.Africa. been together 2 1/2 years. have child 2gether. marriage falling apart.
    i want a divorce.
    My aufenthaltstitel expires next year. i have aushilf job. no permanent job.
    my qn: Will i be kicked out of Germany incase of divorce? what happens to our child? will i have any rights at all; visitation and all that?

    Thank you for your time.

    • I have already published FAQ about divorce and child custody law in Germany, and for just one of the books from my wishlist per subject, I’ll be happy to publish similar FAQs about family reunion residency in Germany and about visitation.

      Also, for questions like these, please remember to always mention the citizenship of all involved parties. It’s relevant.

  13. Kavita Joshi says:

    Wow are u a divorce lawyer? so many diff question people have asked you man….It seems quiet interesting job you are doing there

    • I also have expertise in many other areas of law, but family and immigration matters really are what 90% of the people seem to be interested in. But I am not actively working at the moment as I try to concentrate on my studies. So I can just accept some freelance cases from time to time.

  14. Kavita Joshi says:

    good work Andreas…you are hosting people for couch surf.. very impressive ..I would love to do that but as of now I am focusing of now owning anything of my own and be a minimalist ..may be one day I would be able to do that

    • This minimalism is great! I have less stuff with each of my moves. But luckily I found a fully furnished apartment here in Vilnius, so I can host people at the moment.

  15. Doris F says:

    Hello Andreas,
    First of all, thank you for the support and clarifications you’ve been offering. Are you still in Lithuania, so I can send a book?

    My question is a complicated one. Here we:
    My dad- German, married my mum- Nigerian in 1978 under Nigerian customary law where my mother’s family and some of my dad’s friends were present. My dad always worked for German companies in Nigeria and the German embassy issued my mother visas as Mrs. F, and in 1986 they requested that my parents get an affidavit to support/ prove their marraige which they did and this was accepted by the Embassy and continued recognising my mother ad Mrs. F for over 23 years. When I was 23, my dad visited the Embassy in Lagos and requested that I get the German citizenship ( I did not get this earlier as he was afraid I would not stay with them in Nigeria, & when he realised his mistake wanted to fix it) he was told that I had to apply for Einburgerung. In the same year I got married, & was expecting a bay. I applied a year later but was told that 1. I had no ties to Germany, 2. My parents were not married ( the same time, my mum applied for residence permit as my dad had just gone into Rente and they wanted to return to Germany) due to this hesitation & to avoid complications, my parents went and got married again in a registry. After that the embassy conducted an investigation on my parents, and the reports were genuine, they had been together for over 23years. My Mum got her papers and they have been living in Germany for 7 years now. In 2006, My dad advised me to apply for a passport, where i submitted birth certificates of my dad and his parents all getan through and through, but everything went pear shaped as the argument of the Bundesverwaltungsamt was that I was illegitimate, and after the re-marriage of my parents in 2005, I still do not gain citizenship. It did not matter what our lawyer tried and they argued every loop hole.
    Can you advice. If necessary, I can call you and even send you copies of the replies and if you can represent me.
    Your response is highly appreciated.

    • Hello Andreas,
      A friend recently forwarded your link to me and having read quite a bit about you,
      i would make a donation as soon as i can, possibly tomorrow, but would be very glad if you would
      answer my questions as soon as possible.
      Do enjoy the rest of the day, would be here as soon as i can again.

    • Obviously, I only answer questions AFTER receiving the donation.

  16. Matthias Bahret says:

    Hallo Herr Moser,
    sind sie der Inhaber der domain

  17. Pingback: ECJ ruling on asylum for homosexuals | The Happy Hermit

  18. stardrops5 says:

    Hallo Andreas,
    I stumbled across your blog whilst doing research for my dissertation. Your work is engaging and amusing, and I enjoyed reading a German view on the Maltese…particularly because I am a Maltese who writes about Germans.

    Viel Spass!

    • I should warn you that citing me in your dissertation can lead to a low mark. :-)
      But if you do, I’d be happy to read it once it will be finished.

  19. Inez says:

    Hallo Herr Moser ich hätte ein Rechtsfrage an Sie könnte man Sie unter der angegebenen Nummer anrufen?

    • Klar, gerne.
      Allerdings vergebe ich Telefontermine eigentlich erst nach Bezahlung meines Honorars, zur Zeit 150 € für eine umfassende Beratung.
      Wenn Sie mir vorher eine E-Mail schicken und den Sachverhalt etwas schildern, kann ich mich besser vorbereiten (und abschätzen, ob ich überhaupt weiterhelfen kann).

  20. Inez says:

    Ich versuche gerade das Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht für mein Kind zu erhalten, da ich einen US Amerikaner geheiratet habe und nun Auswandern möchte. Da ich meine Papiere dort erledigen muss ist meine Frage ob mich mein Anwalt bei einer Hauptverhandlung in Deutschland allein vertreten kann? Es wurde ein Rechtsbeistand für mein Kind angeordnet. Mein Anwalt meinte das ich nicht gehen kann da ich auch zu diesen Termin anwesend sein muss. Nun bin ich am überlegen den Fall zu stoppen und ihn wieder aufnehmen zu lassen sobald ich meine Papiere erledigt habe. Mein Anwalt erklärte mir das ich wenn ich dies stoppe beide Anwaltsgebühren bezahlen muss ich habe zur ersten Anhörung eine Verfahrenskostenübernahme bewilligt bekommen. Was würden Sie mir in diesen Fall Raten?? Es ist sehr dringend!!!!

    • Das kann ich gerne beantworten ohne daß Sie eine riesige Gebühr bezahlen müssen. Wenn Sie mir eines der Bücher von meiner Wunschliste zusenden, kann ich Ihnen dann gerne diese Fragen beantworten und meinen detaillierten Ratschlag zum weiteren Verfahren zukommen lassen.
      Wenn Sie mir noch die Schriftsätze aus dem Verfahren über das Aufentaltsbestimmungsrecht (sowohl Ihren als auch den des Vaters) e-mailen könnten, kann ich Ihnen eine bessere Einschätzung über die Chancen in diesem Verfahren geben.

  21. Henry Pierson says:

    Interesting site. I think you should add Atlas Shrugged to your book wish list or any other book by Ayn Rand.

    I was born in Germany in 1946 to a German mother, my father a GI left without marrying my mother. I speak some German, enough to entertain my remaining German relatives. My mother married another American soldier who later adopted me and brought us both to the US. Later my mother became a citizen and so did I (I was about 10 years old) and it was automatic. My question is can I get a German passport as I believe this country is headed the wrong direction. I would still like to retain my American citizenship.

    Henry Pierson AKA Heinrich Hamm

    • I have read “Anthem” by Ayn Rand and liked it quite a lot. I am honestly not planning to read “Atlas Shrugged” because a novel of more than 1,000 pages must have something special to entice me. From the reviews I have read and the look I once took at the book at the library, I don’t think I would finish it.

      To answer your question I would need to know more about how you obtained US citizenship. You say it was “automatic”, but wasn’t there some application from your mother’s part which covered you? This is a crucial question because if your mother applied for US citizenship for you without obtaining prior consent from Germany, then you lost your German citizenship in that process.
      You can of course apply for naturalization in Germany but you would need to have very good reasons for keeping your US citizenship, like severe economic loss if you had to give it up.
      You will find more information in my FAQ on German citizenship.

    • Justathought says:

      Atlas Shrugged is a very good read, well worth the time. If you do not have the time, to read it get the audio book or maybe even watch the movie. It is based around Objectivism which I think is closer to how humans should live rather than socialism / communism which it seems we are ever increasing moving towards.

      The governments are getting bigger and impinging on the freedoms of people. Yes, more freedom more responsibility, but what not? If you earn it, keep it, if you keep it, pass it on to your children without tax etc etc etc

      If you will read it I will buy you the book?

    • Where do you live that you think you are moving towards socialism or communism?

  22. Ricky says:

    I’m an American citizen married to a German national. We got married in the U.S.A. about 4 years ago and now have a 1 year old girl. We visit Germany twice a year. We live in Ohio and have absolutely no family there. We are in Germany at the moment but will be going back soon. The reason I’m writing to you is because I want to move my family here to Berlin so we can be close to family but have no idea what to do. Do I apply for residency at the consulate in Ohio then work permit afterwards? Any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated!

  23. Vivian Anczok says:

    Dear Mr. Moser,
    I am holding British passport n married my German husband for almost 8 1/2 yrs. I have been living in Germany since April 2007.
    I want to get a divorce. Am I entitled to get any aid from the government because i don’t have a job here?
    Thank you

    • Yes, German legal aid also extends to non-Germans who have a legitimate interest to bring a case (or defend themselves against a lawsuit) before a German court.

      You can pick any lawyer and ask him/her to help you file the legal aid paperwork for you.

    • Vivian Anczok says:

      Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I appreciate it very much.

    • Thank you! If you feel like it, you are invited to mail me one of the books from my wishlist. :-)

  24. Vivian Anczok says:

    I am happy to do so. Perhaps it takes a couple weeks to get to you because I must go personally to the bookstore. I can’t get it on line because my husband will find out. Once again I thank you so much for your advise. I have already contacted the lawyer n our first appointment will be on 28th Aug.
    Best regards.

  25. Vivian Anczok says:

    Hi Andreas,
    This morning I have sent out ‘Der Tag der roten Nase’ this story book to your mentioned address.
    It will takes 5-7 days. Hope you enjoy reading it.
    I spoke to my lawyer this morning as well. We had good conversation. It was a pity that I can’t claim back those money that I transfered to Germany from HK under German law. He said perhaps I can use UK law to claim that but which will be costly and takes years.
    Best regards,

  26. Goran says:

    Dear Mr Mozes,

    My name is Goran and I’m since July 2011 studying in Stuttgart. I’ve have had regular residence permit (Aufenhaltserlaubnis) for 3 years, with my Serbian passport. Since Feb 2014 I’ve got EU (Croatian passport). How long now I’ve to be in Germany to acquire German permanent residence permit since I’m now european citizen.

    Thanks in advance,

    • As soon as somebody mails me a book from my wishlist, I’ll be happy to set up a list of FAQ about permanent residence in Germany.

  27. bob says:

    Dear Andreas, help me out for this question, if the women went first to the court without a husband to know and claim that my husband he is abusing me and a child which is not true can the court decide to give her a full custudy of a child or will the husband restricted to see her child?. and the court can make these decision whithout investigation?.
    please let me know about this if you dont mind.

    • On the top of this page, I ask people to mail at least one book from my wishlist if someone wants to have their questions answered. That applies even more in a case like yours where I already answered many of your questions.

  28. Steve Taylor says:

    Hi Andreas,

    Amusing blog on the Scottish referendum. You’ve missed another potential cause for upset. In the event of a Yes vote, there will be a General Election in the UK before secession (2015 v 2016). Therefore you could arguably have the new Government decided by the Scottish vote and the Scots will be leaving 10 months after.


  29. Pingback: 10 FAQ on Freedom of Movement in the EU | The Happy Hermit

  30. Serah says:

    Hi , Mr Moser, I am a Cameroonian , I got married to a German man February 2013, he went back to Germany after the marriage and has abandonned me since then. I learned the German language , had my A1 certificate, submitted my documents for family reunion visa since May last year. It was July this 2014 that the embassy called me and returned my marriage certificate and my visa was denied because . My husband has abandonned me saying he is tired of waiting for me and that I should let him go, since last year and stopped all communication with me. Please help me, what will I do now? I can t stay like this, married to someone who is not here, and I can t get married to another person as I am still married to him. He has frustrated me, I m been mocked by friends here, I need to move on, everybody here knows I m married so nobody asks me out, and I am fast passing my childbearing age, especially as I love children so much and want mine. I just turned 28 yrs when we got married, I will be 30 yrs in three months time, please tell me what to do.

  31. SJ says:

    I got married around 3 years ago & came to Germany on Spouse Visa. I am just a housewife with no job. My marriage is not working out anymore. My husband is very domineering, controlling and treats me like his servant. I don’t want to continue this relationship anymore but want to stay in Germany and build my own independent future if I can.
    Will my Spouse Visa be cancelled if my husband requests? And under what grounds can I stay in Germany?
    Also if I apply for divorce in Germany will I get alimony?

    • I answered your question on AllExperts.
      Please, folks, don’t send questions two or three times, in particular if you are not even willing to pay once.

    • Justathought says:

      a good reason for European men not to marry foreign women. You hooked up with him just for the visa.

      In fact there seems to be no good reason for any man to get married anymore, regardless if it is with a local or non-local.

  32. Collins says:

    Hello, moser. I was just browsing for info when i came accross my wishlist. i have a question, I am asylumseeker here in france, and i have a germany girlfriend who is under divorce process and now she is pregnant for me, and she told me to come to germany so that both of us can go and meet her lawyer to enable her declare me as the father of the unborn child, and also for us to do some papers work and sign with her lawyer to enable the child bear my name when is born and also for me to have father right for my child..please i just want to know if her lawyer is the rightful place for me to go with her? Thanks

  33. Justin says:

    Help please!

    Eight years ago I was stationed in Germany and married a German national in Germany. After that we moved to the United States had one son in the US at my last duty station in New York. Shortly after we separated and she moved back with my son while filling for a divorce in Germany. Since then I have been trying to get overseas so that I can be next to my son however I have not had any luck.

    Last year in June while in Germany again looking for employment I reached out to Wetteraukreis in Friedberg. I filled out all of the appropriate forms in order to stay for family reasons along with a letter from my ex-wife to help however I was given a verbal denial and nothing on paper. The denial as it was explained to me was for two reasons; 1) I did not have health insurance at the time and 2) I do not have custody.

    Now I am strongly considering giving up my United States citizenship for German citizenship if possible since time and time again I can not seem to find a way to be next to my son.

    Any suggestions on what I can do or what rights I have?

    • The easiest way to move to Germany would be if you would get shared custody again. Would your ex-wife be willing to cooperate with that? All the details could be worked out between you and her, but if you have shared custody again, you are entitled to a residence permit in Germany (§ 28 AufenthG).

    • Justin says:

      Thank you for the quick reply. Because of your advise she is willing to talk about it this Saturday. Typically I need sponsorship in order to get employment in Germany. Would I still need sponsorship in addition to a residence permit or will the permit be enough to open up the doors to making being employed easier?

    • The residence permit for family reunion purposes comes with a full work permit (§ 27 V AufenthG), so that you need no sponsorship by an employer.

  34. Trevor says:

    Can you cast your mind back to when you took your exam for your first course in your OU Philosophy degree and was it hard to revise for. Any tips/advice would be most welcome.

  35. a01818044655 says:

    Hello Andrea. I and my husband are been pursuing our studies in germany since 5 years and we have to continue our studies for 3 more years for its completion.We are going to have a baby in this year. What would be the visa status of the kid here and are we allowed to live here further for our kid after completing or our studies ? By the time of completion of our studies after 3 years, my kid would be starting his or her school, then are we allowed to live here further for our kid . Because students cannot stay in germany if they dont find any job after their studies.

    would be great if you give any advice.

    • Your child will of course get a residence permit which will be derived from yours. However, it won’t receive German citizenship.
      The situation after the completion of the studies will depend on the laws in place in 3 ears, which nobody can predict, but generally it would help if at least one of you could get a job. By that time you could also apply for naturalization in Germany if you meet the requirements (economic self-sufficiency, good German language skills).

    • a01818044655 says:

      Hai Andreas

      Thank you very much for your answer. A specific question ,if my kid go to school, cant we stay in germany because of our kid as we will not be having any visa more? I heard that if a kid borns and starts his/her school in germany, then the kid can stay here untill he/she completes their studies in germany and as well as their pareitns too ?

    • No. That would be a bit too easy, if you think about it.

  36. Starlisha says:


    I have had an ongoing issue with the father of my child. I moved with my son from my hometown worms to stuttgart to be with my significant other. since than we had a court date last october and the judge awarded me full custody and rights of where my son can live. His father was able to have every other weekend with him. I left to visit the states last month and while I was gone there was a meeting for a judge and my son to talk because his father lied and said I was abusing him. I was unaware of this meeting and they temporarily took my custody and gave it to him. My lawyer apparently did not tell them I was going to the states even though I informed my lawyer before I left. How can they take my custody when I was not even here to defend myself? And how can this be considered kidnapping when I can prove that I left for my vacation before all this came about? Any advice would be great as my lawyer is of little help right now and I am trying to find out my rights until I can get back to Germany.

    Thank you very much!!

    • This is such a complicated matter that I would really need to speak to you on Skype. It would also help if you could e-mail me all of the court paperwork that you have.
      I charge 200 EUR for such a consultation.

  37. a01818044655 says:

    halo Andreas

    I am Mohammad student in Germany since last 5 years. I got adopted in germany 4 years before. my adopted parents are german citizen. it was an adult adoption thats why i cant change my visa from student one to familytogether visa. now the problem is i took my family name Joos. my full name is Mohammad Joos. my country people are thinking i converted to Christian. my biological father is directly related with islamic politics. at the time of adoption my bilogical parents disowned me from them. my country people threat me to kill me if i anytime return to my country. and they also told me that i insulted the name Mohammad by added Joos with it. which is not allowed in Islam. I didnt know about it. I have stress now and my study is not going good. I am afraid to leave germany. My living is secured in Germany by my adoptive parents. I speak very good german and didnt take any soical help. what should i do now. aren’t there any option to protect me from this difficult situation. would be greatful if u suggest me something.

    kind regards


  38. Larissa Miller says:

    Hello Andreas!
    I have a question about inheritance in Germany. I read your FAQ and did not find an answer to my specific question, so here it is….I am 1 of 6 inheritors of a house in Germany. I am the only one who has acquired a written Certificate of Inheritance and I am the only one willing to go to Germany to take care of this matter and sell the house. I am not in contact with the other inheritors and they are spread out in different countries. What do I need in order to make this sale possible? Do I need their written consent to sell? Do they need to physically be there at the time of the sale? How can I get this house sold and claim my portion?
    Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

    Larissa Miller e-mail:

  39. Gunter says:

    If i have a criminal record can i get a german passport??
    Becuase i want to go play rugby in german and have a contact to go play there.

    My grandfather was born in german.

    Please can you reply

  40. Randa alroz says:

    Dear sir
    accidently i read your article after looking into german laws about child abduction. I would like to find out if can help me with an urgent problem im facing. I was married to a lebanese man and have a child of him and got divorced 3 years ago.since then he had the custody of our child but i have the right to take him for 1 day everyweek. On october 21/2015 he ran away to germany illegally with his new syrian wife a d newborn baby and our child as well depriving me from my right to see him . He also faked my signature in the general security to get a passport for my child. He is staying in germany now as a asylum. Do you think you can help me? Waiting for your reply

    • I will be happy to answer your question once I receive your donation to my Paypal account (see the button on the top right of this page).

  41. vidavidav says:

    It is so comforting to know the option to turn to you for a legal advice in case of need Andreas.

  42. Rayyan says:

    Good Day Andreas,

    I have an uncle and aunt (from my dad’s side) that live in Germany and have been naturalized in the 70’s; is there a way I can obtain naturalization through them?? I currently hold a Syrian passport and I’m 40 yrs old.

    Many thanks and let me know if I have to make a donation if this can lead somewhere.

  43. Ramzi Kakish says:

    Hello Andreas, I have never heard back from you since last January! Hope all is going well at your end.

  44. Diana Spencer says:

    Mr Moser would you be able to help with making a will and a living will? OF COURSE with compensation for your time and knowledge.

    • Yes, that’s one of my areas of expertise.
      That usually calls for a telephonic consultation because there are so many options and specific questions. I charge 400 EUR for that. If your situation is not too complicated, that also includes the drafting of the will and the living will.

    • Diana Spencer says:

      Thank you very much. Would you be able to draft them in German and English? Is the cost inclusive for a couple or per individual? Again thank you for your reply.

    • For all of this, we would need to speak. German law allows couples to set up a joint will, for example, but we would need to discuss if this makes sense in your case. Setting up two wills in two different languages per person is usually not advisable, because having two wills with the same date may cause confusion. But we can include a translation in the will.

    • Diana Spencer says:

      I completely agree. I do not have the money for the consultation at this time but when I am able to pay the fee I would appreciate if we could have time to sort this issue for me. I have experienced a lot of deaths in the past 24 months and I have significant health issues at the age of 37 and I need to ensure my 3 children are taken care of. I am American living in Germany with my German fiance and I just need to put this worry out of my mind. I asked for the documents to be in German and English due to the fact that I am living in Germany as an American citizen. But as I said when I am able to pay the consultation fee I will contact you for a consultation. Can you tell me how I need to go about contacting you for the consultation please. I truly thank you for all your assistance.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen Respectfully,

      Ms. Diana Spencer Local German Phone 0152 / 2483 1194 International 01149 1522 483 1194 Vonage 757 271 2871 EMAIL

      On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 2:20 PM, The Happy Hermit wrote:

      > Andreas Moser commented: “For all of this, we would need to speak. German > law allows couples to set up a joint will, for example, but we would need > to discuss if this makes sense in your case. Setting up two wills in two > different languages per person is usually not advisable, bec” >

    • Once you are ready for the consultation, you can simply e-mail me.

  45. JC says:

    Mr. Moser,

    I’m currently in the US and I am having a hard time finding contact information for the Gross Gerau Custody office. I’m trying to obtain a copy of my daughter’s shared custody document which my ex girlfriend won’t help me out with for obvious reasons. Any help would be much appreciated. My searches on Google have not been fruitful.

  46. JC says:

    Thank you Andreas. Happy Travels!

  47. Mubarak ali says:

    Hi Dear.
    I am Mubarak Ali.
    I am lived in Berlin Germany and I am belong to Pakistan.
    I am here as a asylum bases.
    I am a gay.
    I am married I have five sons.
    My parents and my all family peoples are against me and want to kill me due to my sexualization and give the authority to the victim peoples can kill him and we are not responsible about Mubarak.
    Please let me what I can do.
    Waiting for your quick reply.
    Thanks & Regards.
    Mubarak Ali.

    • Whether you can claim asylum in Germany at all depends on how you reached Germany. If you passed through another safe country on the way, that country would have jurisdiction for your asylum claim.

      And then it depends on the kind of evidence you have.

      If you want me to look at your case in detail, please e-mail me. I charge 400 EUR for a consultation.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Iam in germany untill 2010 and have good integerared because I visit 5 yrs in the school and I finish german high school so during University can I apply german citizenship. I have already resident permanent.

  49. Karen says:

    Hi :)

    My husband and I both hold a US passport.
    I was born and raised in Germany and completed my Abitur there.
    Question is, how can I move back to Germany? I have lived in the US for the last 15 years and my Aufenthaltserlaubnis is expired.

    Thanks for your help! Hope you are having a good day!

    • I will be happy to answer that once I receive a donation or a book from my wishlist. Thank you very much in advance!
      I would also need to know more about your professional and financial situation, your plans in Germany, from when until when you lived there and if you want to move with or without your husband.

    • Karen says:

      Sounds good! Let me work on that book :) and then maybe we can do this over email. Talk to you soon! Thank you!

  50. Wuza says:

    I am marriage with German women and we are now two years marriage, I am working as a full time job and I have unlimited contract, my problem is since we marriage this woman always want to use me as her house boy cleaning house, washing plate and bowls after cooking or eating and if I talk about it she always say I didn’t keep my mouth quit she will divorce with me and I will send back home and I have the German language certificate A2 .I want to ask if she file for a divorce will I send back to my country.

    • Stewart says:

      If she does the cooking then of course you should be cleaning up. That is normal. It is not a womans job. It is called a gousehold. That is what marriage is. Or did you just marry to get a german passport? Sounds like a scam marriage. Only germany is so tollerant of scam marriages. In any other country you would be jailed and deported.

    • Actually, it’s quite easy to enter fake marriages in any country in the world.

    • Stewart says:

      That is sad.

  51. rubel says:

    my sister is a German citizen. now my question is that if my mother go germany for visit can she apply for residence permit visa???

    • I would need to know a lot more details about your mother, what she would do in Germany, her age, her educational background, her financial situation, and so on.
      Please feel free to e-mail me, but keep in mind that I don’t answer questions for free.

  52. Stewart says:

    Hi. When i was applying for a language visa at the auslanderamt i was offered permanent residency. But i thought it was a tax thing and i didnt want to be paying foreign tax in my home country. What exactly is permanent residence ? Does it mean that i have to pay insurance in germany even when i am not living there, ie when i am in my home country. And can i live in switzerland with german residency.

    I am highly qualified and speak german. Would it be possible for me to keep my Australien pass if i was offered a german passport. I was borrn in Australia and my parents were Australien. Thankyou

    • Your immigration status in Germany has no effect on your taxes or social security. You need to pay taxes where you are factually resident. You need to pay social security contributions if you have a job in Germany.

      If you want to live (as opposed to visit) in Switzerland, you need to get a residence permit from Switzerland.

      You would need to give up your Australian citizenship if you were to apply for and receive German citizenship.

  53. Stewart says:

    Thankyou for your very fast and informative reply !

  54. Pingback: Don’t write me on Facebook! | The Happy Hermit

  55. Anonymous says:

    I am studying a german 11 klass can speak german fluently and english also .Staying purpose of the 14 years in duldung.need citizenship in germany. What to do now?

  56. Anonymous says:

    Most of the lawyer try to harass the client when he/she seriously want his help for true justice for living necessary. lawyers try to expan of serially court case for their more incomes and by the some of clients may be expired …how to depend on them trust fully. I need a true and generous person to solve my case within perfect time period and with right amount..

  57. Diana Spencer says:

    Hi Andreas
    This is a questment (a question in a comment☺). I came back to Germany in 2012 and fell in love with an awesome German man in 2014. Since 2015 we have been navigating the German system to get maŕried. I am American by the way. Finally, we have come to the point where the high court has approved my papers and we will marry next month. This process is quit long and tedious but for love it is worth the headaches. I had to order my divorce documents, birth certificate and othe documents, go to Frankfurt for a statement, translate all documents, and send everything to the high courts in Koblenz. In the interim my love and I gave birth to a son who passed away after he was born. He was 3 months. He is laid to rest here in Germany. We completed his paperwork at the same time we registered at the Standesamt. His birth and death certificate will be in our Stammbuch. Needless to say, a lot of money went into this process. My question is, why did my papers have to go to the high courts? This is not a step in the normal German process. Also why did I have to get a statement from the American consulate in Frankfurt to attest I am divorced when I have divorced papers? I am sure you know there were many more steps but I tried to summarize. Marrying in Germany, is my marriage legal in the US? Do I have to send my marriage papers to the US? Do I still need to register with the Auslanderbehorde? I have NO WISH to return to the US (especially with a madman in office). Can I seek citizenship? Finally, is our son considered dual citizen?

    Thank you in advance for your help. HAPPY TRAVELS friend.
    Btw we live in Idar Oberstein in Rheinland Pfalz.

    • That’s a lot of questions, so I would appreciate a donation of at least 50 EUR or some books from my wishlist before I set out to analyze your case and answer them thoroughly. Thank you very much in advance!

    • Diana Spencer says:

      Will do. Thanks again!!

    • Thank you very much for your donation!

      – The High Court’s order is required by law (§ 1309 II BGB) because your home state in the US did not provide a certificate of eligibility to get married. That is actually a standard process.
      – Asking the US Consulate whether you are really divorced is a bit pointless, because I guess the US Consulate just looked at your divorce papers. Alternatively, the “Standesamt” could/should have called the court that granted the divorce.
      – Yes, your German marriage is recognized in the US (if you were already divorced by the time you got married). You do not need to get it registered or recognized. Your marriage certificate (potentially with a translation) will suffice.
      – If you need to register with the “Ausländeramt” depends on the status that you had in Germany before your marriage. You can certainly register, and if you ever want to German citizenship, you should. Because time spent under the SOFA does not qualify you for citizenship.
      – As the wife of a German citizen, you can apply for German citizenship after legally residing in Germany for 3 years, with the caveat mentioned before. You will however be asked to give up your US citizenship (there may be an exception if you need US citizenship for your work, but let’s cross that bridge when we get there).
      – Any children born before you give up US citizenship will have dual German/US citizenship and won’t ever have to give one of them up. The same would happen if you give birth in the US, regardless of your citizenship (then the child would get US citizenship through ius soli and German citizenship through ius sanguinis).

      I wish you all the best for your stay in Germany and Europe! I wouldn’t want to live in Trumpland either, although I have very fond memories of my many visits/stays in different parts of the US.

  58. DIANA SPENCER says:

    Hi Andreas I made a donation.

    I see your new FAQ’s on this subject and I am a witness that this process is not quick or easy. There is A LOT of red tape and rules and regulations that HAVE to be followed. There are things I had to do and I honestly had no idea why and the only answers I received was “this is the way it has to be done.” I am grateful I found an awesome translator who was certified by the courts and so she knew exactly how my documents had to be done. We thought about going to Denmark but we were unsure if the marriage would be legal in the USA and Germany.

    You are correct there is no way to get everything done on a 3 month visa. If someone can get it done in 3 months I would be amazed. My fiance went with me to the auslanderbehorde whenever I needed to go and justify my being in Germany. Americans need to know once you are married to a German citizen your status changes and you will no longer qualify to work on the base under the Sofa agreement. Andreas maybe coming from you that will make more sense.

    Before getting married in Germany both parties need to weigh the pros and the cons. They should make sure they understand the ramifications of their decision.

    Thanks Andreas for all you do. You are truly a good decent person who understands the meaning of the words help, humble, honest. Not everyone can hire a lawyer or have representation. You close that gap and that is truly awesome. Happy travels friend.


    • Thank you very much for your donation, for your insight and for your wishes!
      I answered your questions above. Regarding the NATO-SOFA, maybe I will set up a separate set of FAQ one day, but it’s been a long time since I worked with the US Army JAG Corps (in Vilseck), so first I need to refresh my own knowledge.

  59. DIANA SPENCER says:

    Andreas your work with the US military is so valuable. Especially to people like myself. After I stopped working on the base of course I no longer had access to JAG. We really need someone like you who has so much knowledge from both sides of the pond. I read your CV and I am amazed at your work experience. I was truly blown away!! You truly understand the issues people like myself face and you know from EXPERIENCE not a book or a piece of paper. I am sure Vilseck misses your expertise.

    Yes you are 100% correct the whole consulate appointment was useless… I traveled to Frankfurt by train. There are no appointments after 1130 so be prepared to get up early. They ASKED me was I divorced and they had me fill out a paper with my divorce info. They stamped it and 60 dollars later I was done. So the cost of a 6 hour round trip to Frankfurt, 30 min to get through security at the consulate in the rain, 60 dollars, and a 7 min face to face and I was done.

    I did not realize how my status changes would affect my ability to work and obtain a Sofa stamp. I am still in a conundrum with this issue. Do I apply as a local national or can I apply under the Sofa status? I guess when I figure this next process out I will share with you what happens. I also had no idea my time under SOFA does not count for German citizenship. Man that hurts but thank you for telling me to truth.

    A FAQ for American expats dealing with NATO-SOFA regs would be like finding gold. Well actually I don’t know if you want to go down that road… You will have a line outside your door no matter what country you are in!!

    I truly thank you Andreas. And if you decide to open your practice I will definitely be one of those standing in line to get true and honest help from someone who cares.

    BTW – Right now you could not get me to go to US of Trump even if you paid me a million dollars, euro, Rubel, Peso, or Francs!!

    thanks Andreas!!


    • Good point on another FAQ just leading to more e-mails and requests. And you know, I initially put up these FAQ because I thought they would REDUCE my workload. :-)

      I really enjoyed working with US clients and to be the guy who is the bridge between two countries and legal systems. But I am not planning to return to practice soon. That’s more my retirement plan. ;-)
      For now, I am too keen on exploring other countries and on writing. Also, I have been missing university and I will become a student (of history and literature) this fall.

  60. DIANA SPENCER says:

    As you know the military and expat community in Germany/Europe is a special breed. Our needs span the globe. Between the marriages from different countries, to children born in different countries, to SOFA questions and NATO status issues we truly are a very needy community. And most times our issues have many layers. Although you are quite knowledgeable, managing this community is a full time job with lots of overtime. Think back on your time in Vilseck. I don’t see you feeling as though you are giving your all and doing the best you can do if you cannot commit 100 percent. So be very careful with starting down that road. Would I benefit from it ABSOLUTELY however, you have to think about what YOUR needs and wants are at this time. If I have a question I know how to click on the donation button. If I need more than that I know I can pay the fee you have. If I need complete representation that means I have to get up and find a lawyer for my purpose. Sometimes we have to put our needs first. And you know what Andreas, it is perfectly ok to do so. I am just grateful to know you are available when I need to click a button.

    Have fun in University. I am a lover of all things history and literature. I am 38 and working on my 3rd degree now in fashion design and tailoring. Nursing has been my career for almost 20 years. I have told my girls I will be a forever student. No matter where you are even if you are in a prison no one can put bars around your knowledge.

    Andreas no matter when you return to practising the needs of this community will always be here. You know there is always a need for expats and the active military to have legal assistance. Do what your head and heart agree on.

  61. DIANA SPENCER says:

    Thank you so much I just wanted to make sure before I go spreading the news.

    Thank you so so so much Andreas


    • Thank you, Ma’am!
      I am always happy about more readers. The more people read and comment, the more I will write! As a blogger, at times it’s a lonely job not knowing if anyone is reading at all.

  62. DIANA SPENCER says:

    Please excuse my southern talk but sometimes even when you scream no one will hear you but you still have to put your words into the atmosphere. If one person reads what you have to say or a million people read it that does not matter because it is still your truth. I live by wind turbines and trust me they know all of my secrets. I understand the personal journey you are on and I respect that. I just did not want to give you anything more than you wanted to handle. I understand your journey because I did it myself. I learned a long time ago I cannot give to others what I don’t have. As a nurse people come up to me all the time asking where did I go. My answer is always the same… I went to find myself. I think my girls (ages 15, 18, 23) help to keep me grounded. They always ask me “Momma if you were not a momma what would you be” I simply say I would go wherever the wind blows. Andreas continue to do you and live life to the fullest dear. You will know when to plant your feet. I am just grateful I had someone like you to explain things to me along the way like you.

  63. Edgar says:

    Hi Andreas
    I am great great son of a German immigrant of Argentina, he was my mother grandfather, I born 1976, can I look for German nationality. Even he lost the German Nationality after the war. Best

    • Edgar says:

      Errata: great grandfather, means I am great grandson :)

    • I would need to know the full details of your family history. Please feel free to e-mail me. I would charge 200 EUR for such an analysis and consultation.

  64. Dennis says:

    Hi Andreas,

    I am born in South Africa to a South African Father and Namibian/German mother. I initially obtained both my South African citizenship as well as Namibian by descent. I was listed on my mothers German passport as a minor and later obtained my German Passport in adulthood. Now I would like to renew my German Passport as a Namibian/German (children are all Namibians) but am afraid I will lose my German citizenship due to my South African roots. Should I first rescind my South African citizenship before I proceed or do I apply as a South African?

    Please advise on this.


  65. Imli says:

    Hi I had a second marriage with a German man and I have now acquired German citizenship through naturalization, my daughter with my first marriage was in India and has Indian citizenship and now I m bringing her here, she is 12yr old. would she get citizenship as I am citizen or she has to wait for 3 years like me to get one.

  66. Audrey says:


    What an interesting site!

    I would like to know if I can apply for German citizenship? I was married to a German and lived there for 7 years. I was granted permanent residence and never took citizenship as I falsely assumed I would have to revoke my original nationality. I left Germany in 2004 and divorced. My 16 year old daughter has German citizenship. Am I still able to apply for german citizenship, or under which circumstances would this be possible?

    Thank you.

  67. Jaclyn Ann Cardenas says:

    Hello Andreas. I do not know if you will answer my message but its worth a try. I have a deutsch daughter, since june of 2016 the father of my daughter have stop giving child support. I just want to ask how i can start making a legal step towards asking for child support. The father of my daughter is currently living in Wűlfrath Germany has a new house with a good quantity of money in his bank… thank you for your time.

    PS. I could NOT find the make a donation button here on your blog.. how can i do that by the way?

    Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU

  68. Jaclyn Ann Cardenas says:

    Sorry i forgot to mention my daughter and I are living in the Philippines… the father of my daughter is in de… thank you

  69. Jane says:

    Why are you called the happy hermit? I just read an article you wrote about pronunciating words properly. I thought it made fair points, though a little rude and grumpy. Perhaps you are deluded, seeing yourself as happy. I guess you are misanthropic… it comes across in the article

    • Obviously I am happier when people don’t mispronounce words, but because I rarely listen to other people, I manage to be happy most of the time.
      Sometimes, I am so happy that I have to burst out in laughter.

  70. John says:

    Hi Andreas,

    I’m a US citizen and currently reside in the US and the mother of my child is in Germany. My daughter currently resides with the mother. We share custody and were never married. I make child support payments every month. Is it true, by German law that I also have to support the mother, as well?

    • That depends on the age of child (it’s possible until the child turns 3 years old) and on your and the mother’s financial situation.

    • John says:

      I am employed and she is currently not and receives aid from the govt.

    • I would need much more information and exact figures, also about the mother’s income before she had the child.
      Please feel free to e-mail me at for a consultation. I charge 200 EUR for that.

  71. JD says:

    Wonderful blog. Not sure how you finance such excursions, but wonderful none the less.

    • Thank you very much!
      I mainly finance my life by lawyering and translating (English and German), but the way I travel, it doesn’t even cost too much. Because I usually move to other places instead of visiting briefly, I can rent an apartment instead of using hotels, I can cook at home instead of eating out, and so on.
      I have written a few articles on this topic:
      and if you have any questions, in general or about a specific place, feel free to post them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very interesting reads. Inspiring. I’m amazed at how long you’ve been doing this. How old are you?

      I work as a videographer in a large organization and definitely feel anchored down. The only other question I have is: Do you find it difficult to travel with high value items? I travel with cameras, lenses, and a computer that is necessary for visual storytelling… but I also am skeptical about going to certain public places in some of the countries you’ve been.

    • I am 42.

      I don’t have anything as valuable as you, and my paper notebooks are actually of the most personal value to me. (I freaked out when I once thought I had lost them all at the Bolivian-Peruvian border, but that’s another story to write about one day.)
      But for my luggage, I like to have a place to drop most of it. That’s another reason why I prefer to stay longer in one place, getting a room where I can drop my stuff and then venture out only with what I need for that day. It’s much more relaxing. The less you carry, the less worried you are.

  72. Greg says:

    Where is the button?

  73. Igozi says:

    Dear Andreas,
    I am Nigerian with Aufenthalt with a German child, baby daddy doesn’t treat us well and I have met a good man who isn’t German. Can I marry him with my current state of the permit and can my child keep the German citizenship if adopted by my current fiancee if we marry

  74. Snart says:

    Happy Birthday Andreas! Wishing you the best of experience in your travels which are inspired by your curiosity and are such an interesting read. Stay healthy and cool!

  75. I am suppose to study for my exam in Criminal Law but for some reasons I bumped into your blog. Great one attorney! your awesome!!

  76. BABA says:

    Hi Andreas Moser, First of all i would like to say thank you for this blog.
    My Question is I’m a Ghanaian citizen and i’m married to my german spouse but then i have a Lithuanian student permit. We went to the Rauthus to register my name in her address and after that we went to the foreign affairs for residence but quiet unfortunate they weren’t friendly we were told that i have to go back to Ghana to re-apply for visa or i should go back to Lithuania to apply for a visa and then come back.We again asked them what again do we need but they said no they don’t know.So i wanted to ask what we will need next after taking the spouse visa from Lithuanian.

    Thank you

  77. Edith says:

    Hi Andreas,
    I kindly need some hints on how to move on.
    Me and my 3 kids, one of which handicapped (autism, ADHD or don’t know what as I cannot get her diagnosed), live in Germany since 5 years and we still don’t know if we can or not live here! We have been moved from cityA to a Frauenheim in cityB after my ex boyfriend, father of the kids, assaulted me. He, also from Cameroon, has been in prison and in a mental clinic, now he is free. From February, we will be sent back to cityA where this criminal still lives. A response from BAMF would be enough to solve the problem so I could choose another place but they don’t react! 5 years! Even a refuse would be more respectful. This delay seems to be illegal in Europe due to the European Directive 2013/32/EU (and recently Italy forced the time limit to 6 months in all Europe) but I don’t have money for a lawyer. Any hint would be appreciated.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

  78. Surinder pal says:

    Hi Herr Moser, ich bin Surinder Pal. Wir haben über YouTube geschrieben und Sie haben mir ein link geschickt. Ich bin 31 Jahre und meine Freundin 56 Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Indien und meine Freundin aus Deutschland. Wir wohnen zusammen Zeit 2 Jahren. Wir haben durch ein marrige Büro in Mexico geheiratet. Wir sind nicht hin geflogen. Jetzt haben wir die Heiratsurkunde mit Apostel von mexikanischen Behörden. Wie kann ich das in Deutschland Registrieren lassen. Können Sie das machen und was muss ich bezahlen. Vor 16 Monaten habe ich Duldung bekommen aber die Daten sind falsch im meinem Ausweis. Die Daten in meinem Heiratsurkunde sie sind richtig. Wenn Sie mir helfen können,wäre es sehr nett von Ihnen. Liebe Grüße Surinder pal 🙏🏾

  79. Katoka says:

    Greetings, kindly assist me. Iam Zambian and my fiance is German 🚸we want to get married but after me preparing all documents I had them authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs then I took them to the embassy for legalisation since zambia is not a member of Hague 1961 Apostille convention. The Germany embassy here in zambia only agreed to legalise the birth certificate but refused to legalise the impendiment letter saying they stopped legalising it for some time, but the standsam insists on a having the document legalised. My question is, is there any way i can have this document legalised by passing the embassy here? Or is it possible for us to apply with Danish marriage and get a fiance visa for Denmark? Also these legalisation firms do they really manage to have such documents legalised or should my fiance go ahead and sue the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Please help me. The officer at the standsam told us that if everything is in place it will only be 2 weeks then I can receive the certificate so I can present to the embassy for visa

  80. Marco Servadei says:

    Hi Andreas,

    I’m not asking for an advice because there’s nothing that can be done. I write this just to make it public, visible online.

    My girlfriend in August 2014 filed for asylum request in Germany. She has 3 daughters one of whom handicapped (autism and ADHD) and they come from an African country where a civil war is killing many persons. Today, July 2019, she still has no answer from BAMF. BAMF is clearly violating European Directive 2013/33/UE and 2013/32/UE. Recently Italy, with an European law, has forced the limit to 6 months for all EU and my girlfriend is waiting since 5 years! She has no money for a lawyer so the only thing she can do is…. waiting. A quick refuse of the request, would have been more respectful and humane.

    So, ridiculous when Germany blames Italy (that is trying to protect her self from an invasion) to respect the international immigration laws!

  81. MargoStesk says:

    Hello to all
    In this baffling forthwith, I love you all
    Rise your one’s nearest and friends

  82. Peter Friedel says:

    Nach diesem unsäglichen Post ( Ballermann – Abstürzen) werde ich Sie und die Grünen nicht mehr bei Wahlen unterstützen.

    • Das ist aber eine schlecht fundierte Wahlentscheidung, denn weder bin ich bei den Grünen, noch haben die Grünen etwas mit mir zu tun.

  83. Joseph says:

    Hi Andreas,

    Superb website with so much helpful information.
    Could I bother you with a small question: I am currently in Germany on a tourist visa (from a Non-EU country) and got married to a German citizen just last week in Denmark. We live in a small village with very few foreigners. From the information I have, I should be granted a residence permit (limited or not). However, we were told today by the town hall and immigration offices that I need to return to my home country and apply for a family reunion visa before I can return to Germany and live with my wife. But many of the cases I have read in your blog and others state this shouldn’t be the case. My guess is there are so few non-EU/German marriages in this village I live in that they are not familiar with the laws regarding this situation. Is there any place I could look up these laws and bring them to the authorities here?
    Also, if it helps my case, I am a PhD in mechanical engineering with extensive background in IT.
    Thanks for your time.

    • That’s not such a small question. ;-)

      At the moment, I am receiving so many questions that I can only reply to those from readers who are supporting the blog on Patreon or Steady. If you do so, please send me an e-mail.

  84. micfini says:

    If Germany was attempting to rectify the discrimination against children born to German mothers pre-1975, StAG 14, why would they automatically deny my application?
    I was born in Germany in 1968 to a German Mother. At the time of my birth my Mother was married to my U.S. citizen father, who was not living with us in Germany shortly before and for 1 + years after my birth. When I was 12 years old my father was advised that my citizenship was called into question & he had me Naturalized as a U.S. citizen. I provided all my documentation to the German government and they still denied. I have appealed.

  85. CH says:

    Hello Andreas, I’ve now set up a monthly donation on Patreon – could you please have a look at the email I sent you on 17 November? Thank you.

    • Hello Christina,
      thank you very much for that!
      And that helps indeed to move your e-mail up on the priority list. :-)
      I’ll take care of it right away…

  86. cynthia says:

    Hi, I’m a single mother of a 2 years old daughter, from Nigeria. I’ve got a negative notice and my lawyer said that there’s nothing we can do because bamf decided so. But I know that I still can appeal. Can you please give me some advice on how to change lawyer? We are in Pforzheim, if this matters. My daughter and me risk to be deported. Any other hint would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  87. Name Redacted says:

    I was born to a married couple in 1968.
    My father was a United States citizen.
    My mother was a German citizen.
    That gives me zero legal standing in Germany by default.
    Is there any way to check whether my mother had me registered as a German citizen during the window in the 1970s?
    She lived in Germany during that window but she died before we were able to meet again.

  88. Hamida says:

    Hi Moser,
    I have afghan national and married with a german national person and living in germany more then 15 years but still dnt have a german passport Because if my husband who controlled me and harassed me plus i been survived in a big family of my husband’s mother,father,brothers,sisters in 1 home and i served all of them as a family .you can imagine how he being used and controlled me.he never want me to get a passport. 3 weeks before i knew that he got married with a 2 girls in afghanistan just because he want a boy child cause i have 2 i want to move out from this home and want a goverment support for me and for my and my daughters want to live together because they are my life.without daughters i cant imagine to live.i am tired of his cruelty..
    Please suggest me a good way which can lead me and my daughters to a government support plus i would like to have a german passport…
    I will be great full of your support.
    Please email me your suggestion with details so i can easily understand step by steps.
    Thank you.

  89. The worried wife says:

    Mr. Moser – I just emailed you regarding a child visitation for my husband. The child is living with his ex-wife in Germany. The mother refused to have my husband to see the child according to his allocated time as guided by the German court ruling.
    Please advise if we can have a Zoom call or Face time with you.

    Thank you so much for your response in advance.

  90. Anonymous says:

    Hey Sie, nehmen Sie sofort das Foto , auf dem der Kreuzweg Jesu Christi verhohnepiepelt wird, aus Ihrem Text heraus. Sonst gibt es Ärger, klar?

  91. Anonymous says:

    Vermessen Sie sich nicht. Jesus Christus ist der Herr. Nicht der Mensch.
    Entfernen Sie das Foto in Ihrem Interesse lieber. Sie haben noch nicht viel in Ihrem Leben erlebt.

    • Ich würde Religion nicht so ernst nehmen.
      Das ist wie Fußball. Für die einen ist es das Leben, die anderen interessieren sich nicht die Bohne dafür.

      Und ich würde doch sagen, dass ich schon ziemlich viel erlebt habe. Lesen Sie sich einfach mal durch meinen Blog, da bekommen Sie einen kleinen Eindruck.
      Allerdings, das gestehe ich zu, in den letzten Jahren haben die Abenteuer ein wenig nachgelassen. Ich bedauere das selbst und verspreche, demnächst mit der Eisenbahn nach Babylon zu fahren oder die ganze Transamericana entlang zu trampen.

  92. Anonymous says:

    Hello Mr. Moser,

    I a US citzen living in the US – my father is a German Citzen used to Live in Hamburg. He passed away Jan of 2020 . I just received a letter stating that he had around 9000 Euros in medical bills .

    Im not aware of anything like that as I wasn’t close to him at all . What am I suppose to do .

    Please advise.


    • Ideally, I’d like to take a look at the paperwork and also speak with you in order to find out if there is any positive net value of the estate, and who might be the heirs (of both assets and debts).

      Then, I will be able to say something much more specific.

      So, please feel welcome to e-mail me the document and any information that you may have received from the estate court.

  93. Ashton says:

    Hi there…please contact me ….I have something tragic to share with you..

  94. Anonymous says:

    Am very concerned…..

  95. Anonymous says:

    Hello Herr Moser,

    My son, recently moved and working in Mannheim, sent me the link to your very interesting and entertaining blog. I was born in Germany in 1949 and emigrated with my parents in 1957 to the U.S. My citizenship document is dated 1962 when I was 13 years of age and was received as a result of my parents naturalization. I would like to regain my German citizenship and resettle in Germany for my remaining years. I still have some fluency (Schwäbish) and quite a few relatives there which I visit on occasion. I read the FAQ and didn’t quite fit into any of the cases. My father was in the Reichsmarine (Spanish Cross and double Iron Cross) and brought my mother back from Norway in 1941 and as he used to put it “she was my war souvenier”. I believe she was finally granted German citizenship sometime in early 1945 prior to the war’s end and they were able to marry. If you think this is a possibility, I would like to retain your services. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Werner Hamp

    • Dear Mr Hamp,

      I am glad your son discovered my blog!

      Your situation is mentioned in my FAQ on reclaiming German citizenship (points no. 6 and 7) and governed by § 13 StAG.

      This allows for the discretionary re-naturalization of former German citizens. The main hurdle is the requirement that your re-naturalization would need to be in the public interest of the Federal Republic of Germany. That is very hard to argue for people who are retired or about to retire.

      However, if your plan is to move to Germany, you can also do this without German citizenship. There is a special clause in the Immigration Act, § 38 II AufenthG.

      And then, after living in Germany for 5 years, you could of course receive the standard naturalization. (In each of these cases without having to give up your US-American citizenship.)

      It would probably be best to get together for a phone/video call to discuss both of these options in detail. For such a consultation, I charge 200 EUR.

  96. Anonymous says:

    Hi Andreas

    I was born in Germany in 1977 (I have my birth certificate). My entire family is German born. I lived in Germany until I was 5 and then my parents divorced. I went to live with my mother who then left Germany to live in Australia. She received her Australian citizenship in 1987 with me included as I was only 10 at the time.

    Can I regain my German citizenship which I lost due to being a minor?


    • First, I would like to look into the exact circumstances of your naturalization in Australia. Depending on the circumstances, you may not even have lost German citizenship (§ 19 StAG).

      But if you have, there is an option to apply for re-naturalization as a German citizen pursuant to § 13 StAG. However, this is a discretionary naturalization, so you need to present a pretty compelling case.

      It should also be noted that you don’t need German citizenship in order to move to Germany (§ 38 II AufenthG). If this is your plan, you can apply for the residence permit and then simply apply for regular naturalization after living in Germany for the required time.

  97. Anonymous says:

    ბოზი დედას შევეცი! ყლის შვილი ბეტკრულიდან

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